In addition to our in-person worship, our service will be live-streamed here at 9:00 am, or anytime after: Even if you do not have a personal Facebook account, this link should allow you to join in and watch from our public page.
Your financial gifts can be received in a number of ways!
In addition to leaving your offering during in-person worship, we also have, our online giving platform, which can be found here:
You may also may also drop your offering in the mailbox at church or mail it to: 309 N Lake Street, Colfax, WA 99111
Thank you to Pastor Jeannette Solimine for leading Worship this Sunday as Pastor Ian is out of town.
The next PAC meeting will be Wednesday, September 18, at 10:30 am.
We are excited to be bringing Children’s Sunday School back this year! We will have our first Sunday School class on October 6th, immediately following the 9:00 am worship service. This class is for ages 3 yrs to 6th grade. Come and be part of the fun!
Pastor Ian will be leading a new mid-week Adult Bible Study, starting Wednesday, October 2nd, at 10:00 am. More details to come, but all are welcome, so mark your calendars!
Peace will once again be supporting the Meals on Wheels deliveries during the month of October. Ideally, they’d like to have all the days in October covered by our church, so we need all the help we can get this year! Please, if you can, sign up (by September 30th ideally) to help support this important community service. See Kristi or Catherine for details. A background check is required, so we will provide you with the form to submit that.
Sing up here: