In addition to our in-person worship, our service will be live-streamed here at 9:00 am, or anytime after: Even if you do not have a personal Facebook account, this link should allow you to join in and watch from our public page.
Your financial gifts can be received in a number of ways!
In addition to leaving your offering during in-person worship, we also have, our online giving platform, which can be found here:
You may also may also drop your offering in the mailbox at church or mail it to: 309 N Lake Street, Colfax, WA 99111
We need two voting delegates from Peace for the Synod Assembly coming up on May 3rd. It is online this year, so no traveling is required! Talk to Pastor Ian if you have questions.
The next PAC Meeting will be Wednesday, March 12th, at 11:15 am. All are Welcome!
Ed McBride will do a short presentation on the Gideons on March 9th during worship. Please come learn about their
work. A free-will offering will be taken for them that day as well.
Adult Bible Study with Pastor Ian is meeting on Wednesdays at 10:00 am. We are currently studying in Corinthian 1 and 2. All are welcome and you can join in at any time!
Peace Stitchers is an amazing ministry that supports Lutheran World Relief. The group meets on Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00 PM. You do not need to know how to sew to join!! There are other ways you can help and be part of the process. Questions? Please talk with Cathy Landers, Marilyn Wigen or Mary Cocking, or drop in sometime!