Worship this Sunday will be at 1:30am at Trinity Lutheran in Endicott as we celebrate their 75th Anniversary. Service at Peace will resume as usual next Sunday, 30 March at 9am.
Your financial gifts can be received in a number of ways!
In addition to leaving your offering during in-person worship, we also have Tithe.ly, our online giving platform, which can be found here: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/1302894
You may also may also drop your offering in the mailbox at church or mail it to: 309 N Lake Street, Colfax, WA 99111
Mary Cocking will be hosting a new Sunday morning Adult Bible Study, following Worship, starting on March 16th. We will start with the importance of Reading the Bible, how we are commanded to be in constant study of God’s word. Then we are going to read a book called “Sharing Jesus without freaking out” by Scott Hildreth to help us get over our fear of God’s command to share the good news. All are Welcome!
There will be no worship service at Peace on Sunday, March 23rd. Instead, please join Pastor Ian for the 10:30 am Service at Trinity for their 75th Anniversary celebration (details below).
Family Promise has the following needs coming up: Set up is March 30 in the afternoon (no time set yet), meal is served on April 3 and we spend the night, and take down is Sunday morning April 6 at 7 AM. Please reach out to Mary Cocking if you can help fill any of these needs!
The next PAC (Peace Action Committee) meeting will be April 16th at 11:15 am. All are welcome!
Children's Sunday School will meet two more times this Spring before we break for Summer! Sunday, April 13th and Sunday, May 4th following the 9:00 am Worship Service (we will start approximately 10:00 am!) All are Welcome!! A snack and activity will be provided along with a bible lesson.
Please find the Lent, Holy Week Schedule printed on the table outside the sanctuary or in your weekly email, or posted on the website!
Adult Bible Study with Pastor Ian will not meet this Wednesday. We will resume on Wednesday, 2 April. We are currently studying in Corinthians 1 and 2. All are welcome and you can join in at any time!
Peace Stitchers is an amazing ministry that supports Lutheran World Relief. The group meets on Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00 PM. You do not need to know how to sew to join!! There are other ways you can help and be part of the process. Questions? Please talk with Cathy Landers, Marilyn Wigen or Mary Cocking, or drop in sometime!